What to Pack

Find out the luggage restrictions (limitations) from your tour operator if your safari is through such an organization.

  • Avoid clothing that resembles military attire – African countries tend to be jittery of such (it reeks of coup plot)
  • It’s preferable to travel with soft compact baggage
  • Laundry is performed on a daily basis in most camps and lodges (this may not extend to your underwear), so it isn’t necessary to cart along tons of luggage
  • Africa is sun rich so sunglasses are recommended as well as head protective gear (safari hats)
  • Malaria is a fact of life in Africa–mosquitoes usually hunt from dusk till dawn–so long-sleeved shirts and trousers (pants) are advisable for the evening
  • Formal dress attire may come in handy if you intend to visit any clubs, casinos or restaurants that implement such requirements
  • Insect repellent
  • Sun block
  • Comfortable trekking shoes
  • Raincoat / Jacket