Hold a Coin Drive to Help People in Congo



You can help both gorillas and people in Congo through the gorilla monitoring, care of orphaned gorillas, as well as health, education and livelihood programs which in turn benefits all of gorilla conservation efforts. Their currencies to currency Congo ™ unit will draw attention to the suffering of people and wildlife in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and backgrounds to make the change.

We provide treatment for infections with intestinal parasites among local people. The Fossey Fund worked in Congo since 2000 to save gorillas and many other endangered animals there, through the support of a vast corridor of nature reserves and national parks. Today, we are developing monitoring gorillas programs that we believe will discourage animal trafficking and save the gorilla endangered Grauer. But with the ongoing security problems in the Congo, many local people are suffering and can not save the gorillas without providing help and support to human communities around them.

If you are an individual with a collection can ask friends and family for help, or an organization that gives more than a million people the opportunity to participate, you would be amazed what can be done with spare change.

Get materials currency unit
To maintain a unit of currency, just ask for a kit currency unit by clicking HERE to the kit you prefer to order.


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